Pairing of round 2, at 7pm of 22/03/2021

Bo.FedOriginWhite PlayerPtsNWResultNBPtsBlack PlayerOriginFed
1 NZLAC Lyall, Simon (1)4 ½ - ½1(1) Mao, DaqiHP NZL
2 NZLAC Park-Tamati, Philli (0)5 1 - 06(1) Wang, Aaron ZiwenAC NZL
3 NZLAC Ha, Huy Minh (Timothy) (0)2 ½ - ½7(0) Lewis, JordanWT NZL
4 NZLAC Weng, Xintong (Winston) (1)3 ½ 0(0)( half point bye )
5 NZL Khawaja, Ahmad (0)8 0 0(0)( not paired )