Pairing of round 1, at 9:30am of 18/06/2022

Bo.FedOriginWhite PlayerPtsNWResultNBPtsBlack PlayerOriginFed
1 NZLMORPH Lu, Xiahan (Luna) (0)9 0 - 11(0) Ha, Huy Minh (Timothy)CAISS NZL
2 NZLCAISS Redwood, Harry (0)2 0F-1F10(0) Po`e-Tofaeono, TyleahKNTMR NZL
3 NZLMORPH Barry, Jacob (0)11 0 - 13(0) Lee, FergusKNTMR NZL
4 NZLMORPH Liu, William Rui (0)4 1 - 08(0) Bhatt, DakshCAISS NZL
5 NZLMORPH Li, Branden Zhuojun (0)12 0 - 15(0) Bhatt, MantraCAISS NZL
6 NZLKNTMR Po`e-Tofaeono, Hunter (0)6 1 - 013(0) Maxwell, Daniel RoyMORPH NZL
7 NZLMORPH Shi, Lisa (0)14 0F-1F7(0) Po`e-Tofaeono, GraysonKNTMR NZL