Pairing of round 1, at 7pm of 09/05/2022

Bo.FedOriginWhite PlayerPtsNWResultNBPtsBlack PlayerOriginFed
19 NZLAC McClory, John (0)13 0 - 11(0) Po'e-Tofaeono, TyleahAC NZL
20 NZL Liu, Richard Jingjie (0)2 1 - 014(0) Nguyen, Bao Le MinhAC NZL
21 NZLPT Nimmakayala, Srirama Vikhyath (0)15 1 - 03(0) Lobanov, Nikita NZL
22 NZLWT Zhao, Nicole Xiaoyin (0)6 ½ - ½16(0) Zhou, AdeleAC NZL
23 NZLPT Somaraju, Jathin Nandan (0)18 0 - 17(0) Milne, VirginiaAC NZL
24 NZLAC Barry, Jacob (0)8 1 - 019(0) Wang, Carol HuixinSU NZL
25 NZLAC Tai, Ethan (0)20 0 - 19(0) Tao, Junqing JeromeWT NZL
26 NZLHP Pan, Alexander Hanrui (0)10 1 - 021(0) Xiao, Julian NZL
27 NZLSU Shi, Lisa (0)22 0F-1F12(0) Shenoy, PranavAC NZL
28 NZLAC Vasudeva, Ayaan (0)4 ½ 0(0)( half point bye )
29 NZLAC Zara, Anas (0)5 ½ 0(0)( half point bye )
30 NZLAC Steiner, Michael (0)11 ½ 0(0)( half point bye )
31 NZLAC Zhang, Franklyn (0)17 ½ 0(0)( half point bye )
32 NZL Gittins, Tim (0)23 0 0(0)( not paired )