
CM Isabelle Ning wins the Summer Cup; Autumn Cup starts 8/4

Congratulations to CM Isabelle Ning who won the Summer Cup with 6.5 points – one half-point bye and six wins in the six games she played!

The Autumn Cup will start on the 8th of April. The club is closed on Easter Monday, 1/4.

Good luck to all ACC players participating in the 2024 North Island Champs in Wellington! (29/3-1/4)

Auckland Chess Weekends resume in March

If you missed out on the now fully booked ACC Summer Cup, please don’t forget we also run the Auckland Chess Weekends as an extension of our Monday nights. Every month you can get six FIDE- and NZCF-rated games in a normal weekend, so no vacation needs to be planned. These events are also a great training ground for players keen to improve.

You can register online here – the first event will be held on 23-24 March.